Support Us

Donate online through using the form below.


Thank you for your continued and devoted support of the Edmonton Recital Society. Without you, our non-profit Society would not be able to exist.

Your annual series of spectacular recitals at affordable prices by world-class and emerging artists who have close connections to our city can only happen with your support.

Our sources of funding are your donations, sponsorships, ticket sales and grants from different agencies and levels of government.

The ERS board is 100% volunteer-driven from the artistic team to the accountant expert, lawyer, and general consultants. Our front of house, photography, and recording are completely volunteer-supported. Your generous donations are used to cover all the artist, venue, publicity and administration costs.

To make a tax-deductible donation, please download and complete the donation form and send to:

Edmonton Arts Council Shop & Services
9930 102 Avenue NW
Sir Winston Churchill Square   Edmonton, AB

Download Donation Form

With grateful thanks for your dedication and generosity,

Registered Charitable Number: 84209 9368 RR0001

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